
Hi! I am Kshitiz

I can say "Hello World" on multiple Platforms


  • Integrated Deeplinks for housing.com App (Android 12+) within 10 days of its release on google docs.

  • Awarded Spotlight from CTO of housing.com for my transition from Website to App.

  • Sole Front End Developer for website used by UP police, which later got AICRA Global AI Awards' 2019.

  • Build and Deployed multiple projects from scratch (FrontEnd | Backend).

What I Can do?

FrontEnd | BackEnd | App

My Expertize?

React | React-Native | Node

Technologies I Know?

React | React-Native | Node | Express | Webpack | GraphQl | MONGODB | Jest | Enzyme | React Testing Library | CloudFront | S3 | Javascript | Typescript

Contact Info?

Phone: +91-8073281387
Email: kshitiz.orizion@gmail.com

